Tuesday, March 19, 2013

This Week on the Bicycle

Thanks to Santa Cruz Bicycles for their tremendous support, I spent the early part of the week building up my ultimate training bike, I've named Jonesy. It's for the big back to back weekend climbing days in Moab, Fruita, Crested Butte, Keystone, and most of all, Breckenridge. Golden Bike Shop had put in the finishing touches to get me on the trail in time for the weekend. I'm finally equipped with a bike that can take the abuse of big day rides without a full time mechanic to be on call 24/7.

After the Amasa Back descent, I nicknamed it to Drop City, it was amazing what I already do on my new all mountain bike.
After my first drop at Dead Man's Ridge, I immediately thought of hot butter on a warm biscuit, I wonder why :).

Pipe Dream Trail

Possibly my favorite climb in the universe, Porcupine Rim Trail's first section.

Porcupine Rim view.

On Sunday, Fruita's Kokopelli Trail.

Thanks for reading,
